52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


Sunset Surprise

I hope all of my fellow bloggers are as excited as I am that August 1st is finally just around the corner! I already love how this project has me looking at everyday things trying to think of how they might fit one of the different themes. I even carry a list of the themes in my purse. I use it to keep notes about where I saw something I might want to go back to after August 1st to photograph!

I have been out snapping photos a lot recently. Some with other photographer friends and some alone. I have especially been taking a lot of sunset photos at the beach. I’m trying to really appreciate living so near the water because soon we will be living back in Lakewood Ranch.

Recently while walking the beach at sunset I had a pretty special photography experience. I went to a favorite lifeguard stand hoping to get a good shot but was disappointed to find a large group of sunset watchers had already laid claim to it. Instead I was forced to move further up the beach to try and get another shot. I kept popping in and out of the sea grasses in an effort to block out the people walking the beach.  As I walked further I noticed a young man and his girlfriend taking photos of each other along the sea grass line. When I got close enough I offered to take a photo of the two of them together with their camera. The girl was so sweet and very appreciative.  I told them that if they were interested I would stop back by after I got the rest of my shots and take a couple practice shots of them with my camera. She said, “oh yes please!” I smiled and kept walking and told them I’d be back! I went on for a few minutes and did a few more practice HDR shots. When I turned around and headed back I noticed them snuggling and kissing. I didn’t think much, I just thought they were young and enjoying the beautiful sunset as a young couple would. When I got closer I shouted out, “I’m back!”  They stepped apart and I asked if they still wanted a photo!? The girl was smiling ear to ear and said, “He just asked me to marry him!” Then held up her hand to show me her new diamond ring! I was so excited for them! I snapped off some photos with my camera to help them remember the moment! I had goosebumps and was actually struggling to hold the camera still! I jotted down their email address so I could send them copies of the photos after I returned home. I didn’t stay there for long because I felt like I was interrupting something so special.  As I walked away I turned back around and snapped a couple more shots of them embraced in each others arms with the sun setting behind them. I was really excited and happy that I was able to do a little something to help them remember such a special time.

I sent them the photos I took and after seeing them they have asked me to take their official engagement photos! I’m looking forward to more unexpected adventures after I begin my 52-Week Challenge next week. I’m looking forward to both sharing and hearing about other photo surprises in the coming months!Image



Thank you for stopping by my blog and viewing my comments and photographs.  Beginning soon, I will be attempting to publish one photograph per week for 52 weeks and each photograph will be based upon 52 pre-determined themes.  A list of the themes are at the top of this page on the “Themes” tab.  The themes were decided upon by myself and two of my good friends (Mary Nell and Patricia), who will also be participating in the 52-week photo challenge.  Some of the themes are fairly simple and some not so simple but our goal during this challenge will be to think outside the box and allow our photographs to reflect our creativeness and interpretations of each weekly theme.  With each photograph posted, I will go into detail telling you why I thought my photograph satisfied each weekly theme.  If you are up for a good challenge while at the same time using your camera to create thought provoking images, I would welcome you into this 52-week, fun-filled photo journey.  It’s going to be challenging, but what good things in life aren’t challenging?  Stay tuned…my journey starts soon.