52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


6. The Old and The New

When I was visiting Panama recently I took special notice of the new road construction that had already begun when I moved back to the United States. When I still lived in Panama I was impressed at how quickly the road construction was moving along. But on my return I was amazed at some of the things that were NOT completed.  The photo will also explain why most of the locals choose to not drive at night. Apparently they sometimes do things in a different order in other countries… like moving power poles.

We also took a trip with friends one day to a small town on the opposite side of Volcan Baru. I was able to stop and take a photo to show “The Old and The New” road.  Until this new road was built the only way to cross this particular river was on foot. IMG_1121IMG_7813


51. A Bag Full

For my “A Bag Full” theme I chose to show and tell you about a special group of ladies that I met when I lived in Boquete Panama.  The group was started by my friend Brandy Gregory. Brandy and I first met when we did a special project in the Camarca (Indiana Reservation) of Panama called Green Summer.  I had heard about Brandy not long after I moved to Panama but hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting her until we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere together.

She started a knitting group in Boquete Panama that meets weekly. The ladies use donated yarn to knit warm blankets, booties and hats for the Ngobe Bugle indian babies. Over the years her group has grown and grown to include not only expats from the states but also Panamanian ladies and their children. Brandy’s group have knitted and donated several hundred blankets now to the very poor all over the Comarca.

Yarn is very hard to come by in Panama. And when you do find it it can be very expensive. Each time I visit Panama I always stuff all the extra spaces in my luggage with yarn to take to Brandy and her group. On my most recent trip last week I took yarn that I purchased as well as yarn that my friend Weezie donated. I was lucky enough to be in town when the ladies met. I gave to them A Bag Full of yarn and they in turn gave me a heart filled with Joy.



29. Stacked High

Earlier this week I took a stroll downtown Sarasota looking for blog photos with a friend. I feel like my photo search is beginning to get harder! Several of the themes I have left have me totally stumped. Photos seem to be less planned and more of a coincidence. This is a good example of stumbling onto something very random, interesting and totally unexpected.

I have driven down Main Street many times and never would have noticed this shop if I hadn’t been on foot AND carrying a camera. I seem to look more closely at everything when I am looking for a photo. I noticed a really pretty ballet costume just inside a shop door that caught my eye. I thought it might fit the glitter theme… I told the shop keeper that I was working on a photo blog and he quickly ushered me to the back room to show me stacks and stacks of his other costumes. Unbeknownst to me this man has a thriving business supplying the finest dancers all over the United States with hand beaded Russian made ballet costumes. I thought these photos fit perfectly with the “Stacked High” theme. AND because I was looking more closely I discovered something new and interesting about someplace familiar to me! http://www.tutustar.com to read more about something in our own back yard!ImageImageImageImage


20. What’s That Noise?

In my last photo I showed you my happy place photo from today. It was just a perfect day for my walk alone. BUT, as I walked I heard a lot of rustling around in the under brush. I just kept telling myself that it was just geckos! I am really not a fan of unknown rustling noises! I was surprised when an armadillo ran out in front of me! I didn’t jump or drop my camera which are both good things. Then I thought I remembered someone telling me that armadillos have poor eyesight. So I decided he might like his photo taken, and taken, and taken some more….  It wasn’t until my walk back to the car that I remembered it’s opossums that can’t see very well!!! So I must have met a nice armadillo or a photogenic one! Image


14. All Alone

In my search today for blog photos I went to Myakka State Park. I felt inspired after visiting the Clyde Butcher Gallery in Venice to take a stroll through nature.  This photo probably breaks a lot of rules… but I don’t care, I love it! It was such a beautiful day… the sun flare feels happy to me. My walk “All Alone” filled my cup to the tippy top!



23. Above And Beyond

Today after going on a photography field trip with my local photography club I sat out on a 52-Week Challenge photo hunt. I am behind on my postings and decided that today I would not return home until I found at least photos I could blog about! It didn’t take me long to find my first photo! I was driving along and wishing that there were just a few more clouds out to make it a little more over cast. I was worried about the sun being to bright to shoot some of my planned shots. I looked up wishing for less sunshine and just LOOK what I found!!  I thought this fit the “Above and Beyond” theme on so so many levels!
