52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


A2. Christmastime

Christmas is a busy time of year for Tiny and Lola. Taking family photos for Christmas cards seem to begin the minute all the turkey sandwiches are finished.



A3 Nature

Tiny and Lola recently attended a photo workshop in Grand Teton National Park near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. During one night of the trip they camped near the Mormon Row barns so they could practice light painting after dark. They came prepared with loads of flashlights, bug spray and of course wine!




18. Hidden From View

This week I joined Tiny and a group of her friends on the beach for pizza and wine. I will call them Stacy, Morag and Roxana. Hidden from view were Carolyn and Patricia who ran back to the car for plates and napkins.



52. Yellow

Well it doesn’t get more yellow than this!  I have learned all about the minions thanks to my grandson Greyson. If it has a minion on it he wants it.

I was on a Walmart run to buy mailing labels and took a side trip down the toy isle. Because that is what I do now because of this ridiculous blog… I think I may have let out an audible giggle when I saw this 8 pack of tiny little minions. Let me introduce you to Carl, Kevin, Phil, Jerry, Stuart, Tom, Dave and Tim.

So here you go, more tiny toys that the grandkids think will belong to them in August. HA!



20. In The Park

Tiny and Lola had to wake up at the crack of dawn this morning to meet some new friends in the park and take photos. They were hoping that the weather would be cooler if they went earlier. The lighting was wonderful but the mosquitos were big enough to carry them away!
