52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


21. It Happens Over Time

Last fall when I visited Venice I loved to hear about the history of the city. It is sometimes referred to as the floating city because it was built by setting wood pilings on the 118 submerged islands in the Northern end of the Adriatic Sea. There are 400 foot bridges and 170 boat canals connecting the city.

Modern technology has proven what everyone has suspected for a very long time. The city is sinking…  Venice has battled rising water levels since the fifth century. But today, the water seems to be winning. Several factors, both natural and man-made, cause Venice to flood about 100 times a year — usually from October until late winter — a phenomenon called the acqua alta.

Venice Italy



41. Single Color On Black and White

This theme has been haunting me since the beginning! I have thought about so many different ways of doing this in my little studio room but none of them have felt right. Then today while going through photos that I took while adventuring around Idaho this one jumped out begging me to be used. I’m a weirdo about snapping photos of lone trees on mountain ridge lines. For some reason they make me think of old western movies when all the indians would appear on top of ridges while wagon trains passed through the valley below.  I told you I am weird…. or maybe I just have a very active imagination.

I think I’ll title this photo, “Indian On The Ridge,” just because I can…

Indian On The Ridge

Indian On The Ridge


47. Summer Fun

Yesterday I had a lot of fun photographing my niece and her family at the beach while they were in town visiting. I think this photo in particular captures the fun they were having as well!

Summer Fun


42. Skyline Panorama

When this photo challenge year began I expected that this theme photo would be a skyline photo of downtown Sarasota. Fortunately for me I recently had an opportunity to visit Mormon Row in Grand Teton National Park. In the area several original cabins, barns and other structures still stand watch at the base of the Tetons.

Myself along with three other photography friends woke up before sunrise and made the pilgrimage to photograph a pair of barns built by T.A. Moulton in an area called Antelope Flats in the southern portion of the park.

It was definitely worth the early morning alarm, layers of clothes and wearing winter gloves!

Mormon Row Barn