52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


9. Drops Of Water

A few months ago I had the pleasure of going on a trip with a group of photographers to Kowiachobee Animal Preserve near Naples, Florida. They had been working on a play area for two, 9 month old white bengal tigers. We had the pleasure of being some of the first to watch them enjoy an enormous pond build especially for them. It was so much fun watching them splash in the water with each other. They spent hours sneaking up on each other and then pouncing on one another in the water. The air was filled with roars of excitement. I ended up spending the majority of my visit sitting on the ground just watching them have fun.

Eye Of The Tiger



21. It Happens Over Time

Last fall when I visited Venice I loved to hear about the history of the city. It is sometimes referred to as the floating city because it was built by setting wood pilings on the 118 submerged islands in the Northern end of the Adriatic Sea. There are 400 foot bridges and 170 boat canals connecting the city.

Modern technology has proven what everyone has suspected for a very long time. The city is sinking…  Venice has battled rising water levels since the fifth century. But today, the water seems to be winning. Several factors, both natural and man-made, cause Venice to flood about 100 times a year — usually from October until late winter — a phenomenon called the acqua alta.

Venice Italy



29. On Two Wheels

I got such a chuckle out of these photos… I’m glad I had a fitting theme so I could share them in my photo challenge.

In the area of Panama that I used to live, they have completed a new road since I was last there. The original road was a two lane highway that could make the Pope swear. If you got behind a slow moving car or truck it could substantially slow your trip time.  Many times those vehicles were without tail lights which made driving at night, during the heavy rains or in the fog even more challenging. If that wasn’t bad enough there were regularly people walking along the poorly lit roads at night.

With the new safer road comes the problem of trying to slow down the drivers… Rather than pay for more ‘real’ police the government came up with this genius idea… Life size cut outs of motorcycle traffic police holding a radar gun that my friend Yamel thinks resembles a giant blow drier. I suppose the first time you see it you might tap your brakes and check your speed. After that I don’t think it would be very effective.


I took a photo on one of the first days I was there,with my iPhone, so I would be able to show people when I got back home. One the last day I had to grab a second photo. I guess someone was trying to send a message that the big mean plastic motorcycle traffic cop didn’t scare them anymore.




49. Two Of Us

I’m writing this post while visiting Panama. My husband and I lived here full time for awhile. We moved back to the United States almost 3 years ago. We try and come back to visit friends as often as possible.

A dear friend of ours had his wedding while we were here this time and I was able to take their wedding photos as a gift to them. Tonight we are meeting them for dinner and showing them the photos for the first time. I thought I’d share one here because it seems so appropriate for the theme.


A-3 Doors and/or Windows

I just love doors and windows… Here are a few that I have collected in the past few months.

Santorini, Greece

Santorini, Greece


Istanbul, Turkey


Venice, Italy



Indiana, United States


Bradenton, Florida

Bradenton, Florida


1. At A Distance

I have only ever seen the St. Louis Gateway Arch at a distance until recently. This time I was able to see it right up close! Even standing right next to it the observation area still seemed rather far away. It really was much taller than I expected it to be…

from a distance


13. Forced Prospective

Last week I took a quick trip to St. Louis with my husband to visit family. As our plane was taking off for our return flight I was snapping off photos on my iPhone. At the time I was thinking that the photo was going to fit the theme “Rows and Rows Of.” It wasn’t until later when I was looking at the photo on my computer screen that I saw something different! When I showed my husband he just said, “You have quite and imagination.”  If you look in the bottom left corner you will see the shadow from our plane. But, on the ground there is another plane taxing to its gate. To me it appears that the plane on the ground is flying very low and casting it’s shadow on the ground. The only problem is the shadow is going in the wrong direction! But I still like it!

Forced Prospective


8. Differences

Today I took a break from a project that I have been knee deep into lately. It’s required a lot of concentration and was giving me a headache. I needed a little right brain vacation from my left brain project. A photographer friend who’s work I really admire, Laura :), recently posted about  an editing program that really peeked my curiosity. I made the leap and purchased the program and then had some fun today. I went digging into my archives from the last few months and dug out a few photos that I liked but didn’t love…. I’m still in the experimental stages but I thought it might be good to make a post under the theme “Differences” and just show you a comparison….

The photo itself isn’t very interesting, but I am emotionally attached to it. I took it last fall when I was visiting my family in Indiana. On this particular day I was wandering around downtown Fort Wayne looking for fall colors. I liked the leading line of the sidewalk but never felt like it was composed correctly. Oh well, it came in handy today when I needed a photo to play around with! I think my head is starting to feel better already… 🙂






19. Horses and Humans

I was driving near the polo fields today when I noticed a couple riders in one of the practice fields. I really was hoping that if I waited long enough they would make their way a little bit, or actually a lot closer. That didn’t happen, but I was still happy to take a few minutes and just watch them. The photo really doesn’t do justice to the skills of the riders or how beautiful the horse were.

IMG_3668I did a little research when I got home and here are a couple facts I learned. Free flowing manes and tails are a danger in polo because they can become entangled with players’ mallets or with the reins as the rider tries to control the horse. Manes, therefore are shaved and the ponies’ tails are wrapped or braided to prevent the hazard.  Also, lefties are banned from polo. To understand why, consider this: you’re driving down the road when all of a sudden, coming straight at you, is a crazed English person (Patricia) driving on the left side of the road. The panic you’d feel in the situation is just what a right-handed polo player feels when he and a lefty approach the ball from opposite directions.

The polo season is just getting started here in Lakewood Ranch. To see this years schedule click here. It’s been several years since I have been to a match. If anyone is interested, I think we should get together a group and go sometime. It would be fun to pack a picnic and take our cameras out for a little practice. There are a lot of photo themes just waiting there for us: below the knees, panning, at a distance and of course horses and humans!




22. It’s A Mystery

While driving around Tarpon Springs, happily lost, my friends and I noticed this old Spanish style building.  We made a mental note of it’s approximate location so we could come back to it after we visited the sponge docks.

It was old and beat up and did not fit in with the historic neighborhood filled with beautiful victorian style homes. The doors were locked tight but one window was broken out. We could see that there was some type of remodel under way.  We had a lot of questions but no answers until I was able to do some research after returning home.

I’ve found that the abandoned three-story building was built in 1926 and originally was christened First Baptist Church. It is currently known as,  A Glorious Church.  It is being transformed into a residential home by it’s current owner Richard Boeckl. Only the buildings majestic frontage along Read Street will match the remnant of the facade.

Boeckl purchased the building in the early 1970’s and rented it to several congregations until a 1993 storm flooded its ground floor with three feet of water and ravaged sections of the roof. He has been doing his best to maintain the building over the years. At one time there was a plan to remake the space into an antique condominium. In an old newspaper article that I found Boeckl said he hopes to have a certificate of occupancy within a year. Based on what we saw through the broken window and the photos shown in the article I think that might be a stretch. When I have a chance to revisit Tarpon Springs I will certainly seek out the old church again to see what progress has been made. How it turns out will remain a mystery until my next visit.

A Glorious ChurchA Glorious Church 2A Glorious Church 3






48. Sun Flare

The other day I took an impromptu road trip with 3 of my fellow 52-week photo bloggers. We jumped in the car and drove to Tarpon Springs, Florida. We grabbed our cameras and set out on a hunt for photos to match some of our remaining themes. I anticipate that we will all be making a couple posts from the same areas but under different themes. I’m looking forward to seeing how different we all saw the same things.

We went a little silly when we noticed our reflections in the decorations of one of the Christmas trees along the sponge docks. At the time I was using a lens baby lens on my camera. I didn’t realize it until I uploaded the photos that the lens had warped the sun flare and made the photo a little more interesting. I also like that you can see the reflections of my partners in crime!

Tarpon Springs Christmas Tree


19. Holiday Spirit

The holiday spirit has been a little hard for me to find this year… yesterday I may have finally found it!

I went to visit my daughter and her family to take their annual Christmas card photos. It was a beautiful day at an uncrowded beach in Florida. It didn’t take us long to figure out that our list of Pinterest ideas wouldn’t be necessary. Greyson, my almost two year old grandson, had his own ideas. We decided to just make it a lifestyle shoot… we followed around the little Mr. and tried to do whatever necessary to just get him to make eye contact with the camera. Both a smile and eye contact were rare this year! I don’t want to ruin the photo surprises to those on my daughters card list who might see this post. But, I am going to include my favorite from the day. Sorry Lis… 🙂

And thanks for getting me into the spirit. I watched the movie ‘Elf’ twice while I edited photos this morning. I have all my silly movie lines stuck in my head now… “I just like to smile, smiling is my favorite!” or “This place reminds me of Santa’s workshop, except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me…” HAHA

Alissa Spice



16. Group Portraits

Today twenty nine 52 Week Photo Challenge participants got together for a luncheon to meet each other and put faces to blogger names, to share experiences, and chat about what we love about the challenge and photography. Before people started leaving, we gathered outside to take a group photograph. Unfortunately one of our bloggers, Julie Alejos, had to leave early, but another blogger, Patricia Reed, took her place unexpectedly!

When Mary Nell Moore approached Patricia Reed and me about doing a photo blog, I never imagined we’d form so many new friendships.

Click here to read the story that appears the East County Observer about our luncheon.


Pictured left to right, front row- Betty Beckham, Marie Lough, Diane Broda, Julie Zimmerman, Ida McBride, Mary Nell Moore, Mindy Towns and L.B. Blanchard. Second row- Clara Gingrich, Jackie Arrick, Debbie Aitken, Carolyn Eliason, Weezie Eaton, Marc Schweitzer, Ron Owens, Liz Cantarine. Back row- Amanda Sebastiano, Susan Piper, Roxana Walters, Bobbi Aitken, Melody Martin, Pirjo Toivanen, Cathy Smith, Erin Mulvihill, Reijo Toivanen, Vinnie Veneruso, Terry Klopstad, Patricia Reed and Bill Mills.


44. Someone Working

One of the highlights of my recent trip to Indiana was the day I got to spend with my Dad. When I was a young girl my family used to take canoe trips together. My brother and I were little and had to sit close to each other on the bottom of the canoe wearing our bright orange life jackets and matching CPO jackets.

Dad told me that he had been wanting to take the canoe down the river from a place near his home in Woodburn, Indiana to my sisters house. She lives near Antwerp, Ohio in a house that has property that backs up to the river. I eagerly agreed. I was looking forward to taking photos of the fall colors and reliving a great memory from my childhood with my Dad. But as the saying goes, “Even the best laid plans of mice and men go awry.”

The leaves really hadn’t changed color much and the weather was much colder than anticipated. The canoe was heavier than I had planned for and it was much further to the river from the road than I thought it would be. Both Dad and I were so excited to get started that he left our boat cushions (flotation devices), his jacket and his hat in the back seat of his pickup truck. It wasn’t until we had already begun to float away that we realized it. Dad thought the trip would in total take between 2 1/2 – 3 hours. He kept talking about how after we passed the bridge we would almost be there. Well after  3 hours and with no sight of the bridge I finally dug out my iPhone and brought up my google map app. Imagine the look on my face when I saw the little blue dot was only about half way to our destination. Thank goodness for modern technology… I didn’t remember how similar all river banks look… and how hard it is to find a house along the river before the leaves fall!  Our trip that day took us 6 1/2 hours. My brother in law was surprised we made it that quick. I guess next time we should talk to someone about the distance between point A and point B. And look at google maps BEFORE we launch the canoe.

The first photo is of my Dad working hard at rowing our little canoe. He’s smiling in this photo because it was taken when he still thought we were ‘almost there’!

IMG_9264IMG_9527 copy-1IMG_9286 copy copy



6. Bridge

I have to be honest, I am 3 posts behind and tomorrow is our photo blogger luncheon. Now I find myself in a mad rush to get caught up. This is just the motivation I needed to get myself focused… 🙂  I have the photos taken I just need to make the time to write my posts!

This bridge is in Indiana near one of my childhood homes. I can remember going to the Covered Bridge Festivals as a kid. I can vividly remember when the bridge turned 100 years old in 1973. Wow, I feel old when I start to do that math!

I visited Indiana a few weeks ago and I made sure that I took the time to stop by the bridge to take photos with this blog post in mind.  I was also reminded while taking the photos just how friendly the people are in Indiana. As people approached the bridge they all stopped before entering to make sure they weren’t getting in my shot. One nice man even rolled down his window to see if I needed any help.  Such a nice place to have spent my childhood…

This bridge is located in Spencerville, Indiana. It was built in 1873. It is the only remaining covered bridge in DeKalb County. It was placed on the National Historical Registry in 1981.

Spencerville Covered Bridge

Covered Bridge Inside


3. Backlit

I love the Muhley Grass that I have planted in my backyard. In the fall and winter the purple haze that the plumes give off is mesmerizing, especially when the sun highlights them. This native grass can get about three feet tall and tolerates salt, cold, drought and cold weather.

In the last few days as the weather has started to change  the color has begun to burst out. I went out two different days so I could catch the sun a little bit different each time. Today was earlier and there was no wind. Yesterday the sun was a little bit higher and there was a pretty good breeze.

I like them both for different reasons so I decided to include them both…

Muhley Grass 1


Muhley Grass 2


40. Simplicity

Last week at our regular LWRDPC (photo club) meeting, a local photographer named Mac Carraway, was our guest speaker. He demonstrated a photoshop technic called ‘Focus Stacking.’  I had trouble reading the chicken scratches I took during the meeting so I did a youtube search to find instructions. Click HERE to see the video I used.

As part of Mac’s demonstration he used photos he had taken of a moonflower vine. I have that same flower growing in my yard. In the past I have taken photos of the flower all opened up. I had never seen the beauty in the half open/ half closed flower until I saw his photos. I decided this morning to give it a shot. I had noticed when I let the dogs out that the flowers were all in various stages of closing for the day.

My photo is a stack of 5 different photos. I followed the instructions from the video then used the quick selection tool to move the flower from the photo to a black background.  I wanted to use a stroke line to frame the flower but white seemed harsh. Instead I chose a color with the color picker in photoshop. It’s a very light green color from the inside of the flower.

It’s not perfect, but I’m happy with it being my first try! I thought it was perfect for the ‘Simplicity’ theme.



If any of you local bloggers would like some moonflower seeds let me know.  Click HERE to see how to grow them.


20. Interpretation Of Art

While visiting Venice recently I noticed 2 women setting on the sea wall near Piazza San Marco. They both had their water colors spread on the ground and were staring off at San Giorgio Maggiore.  I walked up behind them with my camera several times to watch their progress. I’ve painted a bit in the past but have never had any luck with watercolors. I never could get the just right balance of water and pigment. All my work ended up being a muddy puddle of brown/gray. I think because of that I really appreciate someone who can master that medium.

I thought it might be fun to use a couple photos I took of that artist and show you what her view was. And then I found a photo that I took while coming into port on the cruise ship of the same building. I tinkered with my photo and did my own “Interpretation Of Art.” I did a little split toning in photoshop to give it a little more depth, a little straightening and cropping and Voilà!

IMG_8204 copy-1


San Giorgio Maggiore Painter

My InterpretationI think we are all artists. No matter what our tool of choice, we are all creating and experimenting. All to show the world how we interpret art through our eyes. And trust me, the world is a better place because I chose a camera for my tool and not a box of watercolors!


11. Favorite Room

I knew right away what I wanted to do for this theme. Hands down my favorite room is the room I use to take photos. It’s my happy place. I have a large window that I use as a natural light source. I love to experiment with different types of reflectors both made by me and purchased at the fancy camera stores. My favorite is my 4×8 piece of white styrofoam. I bought 4 plastic shelf brackets at Home Depot and attached them to the bottom. It allows me to bounce light when I am working alone in my favorite room. I can easily drape the styrofoam with what ever my imagination can think up to use as a back ground. Sometimes that is something as simple as a piece of black velvet. I love using the styrofoam boards as painted backdrops as well when I am taking portraits. I can easily change a whole corner of my room into a bright cheery color or a lovely neutral gray.

I love to take creative portraits. I have recruited friends to dress up in lace, silk and shine so I can experiment and grow as a photographer. I have made my own tulle skirts to go with  pieces I have found while searching through vintage shops. My shelves hold many treasures that I are available for when ever my imagination runs wild! Sparkly jewels, hats, beautiful wraps, funny glasses, pillows, baskets, stools, chairs, ottomans, a wind machine, a bird in a nest, baby headbands, a tutu, sea shells, mirrors, frames, bean bags, flash lights, wigs, a genie lamp, a tiara, christmas lights, glow sticks and of course a lot of false eyelashes….  because why would anyone want to be photographed not wearing false eyelashes?  Well other than my assistant Lola. She isn’t into makeup but she does know to sit at a 45 degree angle with her chin over her shoulder if she wants to be my practice model.

favorite room

favorite room collection


Happy Photo Blogging!

Hello all you 52-Week Photo Challenge bloggers! It’s finally here, day 1 of our new challenge year!
For anyone reading about us for the first time let me tell you what we are all about. We are a group of photographers of all skill levels. We use our cell phones, point and shoots or digital cameras to take photos that fit into a list of 52 predetermined themes. You can see them listed in the tab at the top of my blog page titled 2014-2015 Themes.
Once a week we post a photo to our blogs and give a brief description of why we think it fits the theme. You can blog about the themes in ANY order. Our only rule is that you can not use a photo that was taken before today, August 1st.
If you look to the right hand side of this blog post you will see all the other bloggers that are currently participating. That list is growing every day. If you are interested in joining us let me know in the comment section below and I will send you a pdf file that tells you step by step how to set up your photo blog. Before you know it you will be looking at everything around you and trying to match it to a theme. It IS addicting!
We love to see how each other interprets the same theme! We encourage each other by following, liking and commenting on each others photos.
If you would like to read the article that our local newspaper, The East County Observer, did about the 52-Week Challenge click here.





13. Hearts

While visiting Sedona recently I decided to make a little photo blog game out of looking for hearts.  I managed to find several in just one day!

A coffee shop door

A coffee shop door

A cute little gift shop...

A cute little gift shop…

...that happens to be on the National Register of Historic Places.

…that happens to be on the National Register of Historic Places.


Mexican Sacred Hearts

Mexican Sacred Hearts

and a little heart wish hanging in a tree!

and a little heart wish hanging in a tree!

All proof that photo blogging may become addicting. It may cause you to take photos of things that make no sense to anyone other than another photo blogger!


A3 I Saw It On Vacation

My husband surprised me for my last birthday by taking me for a short mini vacation to Clearwater Beach. At first I hesitated to include a photo taken so close to home under a vacation theme. But then I thought about how many people spend time planning a vacation to a place right in my own back yard.

I was in my mid 30’s before I saw the ocean for the first time…. maybe that is why I love being near the water so much. I don’t think I will ever tire of it’s beauty.

Clearwater Beach


44. That’s Dangerous

I spotted this sign at a rest area near Phoenix, Arizona. Anyone who knows me will tell you the only thing I hate more than a snake is a scorpion. When I lived in Panama I had a couple near misses with them. It still gives me shivers to even think about it! ACK! I read once that a black florescent light would make a scorpion glow in the dark. I was creeped out enough a couple times that I actually bought a battery powered, hand held black light. A few times I lurked around the house with my light checking doors, windows and floors to see if I could spot any of the little devils glowing but never did. The heart attach I would have had if I did would have REALLY been dangerous!

That's Dangerous


20. I Wish I Could/I’m Sorry I Did

While visiting Sedona, my friends and I sat our alarm clocks for very early each morning. We wanted to be out and about before the sun rose. On the advice of another photographer part of our adventures included a pull over half way up the airport road. The first morning we only climbed half way to the top. But on the second day we climbed all the way to the top to enjoy the sunrise. My friend Julie snapped the first photo of me setting up a shot. I have to include it to set up the second shot. On the decent from the summit I found a little tree growing sideways out of the rocks. So, with a small tilt of the camera we created the perfect shot for my “I Wish I Could/I’m Sorry I Did,” theme….

I Wish I Could


I'm Sorry I Did


33. Over The Hill

Today while driving to pick up my friend Patricia for a lunch date I couldn’t help but notice this little lawn display. In the past I have seen lawns covered in pink flamingos to celebrate a birthday but a lawn covered in cows is a new one for me.

I used to think any birthday after 39 ending in a zero was considered an “Over The Hill” birthday. However my next birthday is one of those ending in a zero. That would explain why I no longer think if those birthdays as Over The Hill! I have a lot of climb left in me before I start down the other side!

over the hill


tip the cows come home


17. Holy Smoke

Driving into Sedona I stopped by one of the visitors centers to pick up a few maps to help me get the lay of the land. Right next to the front door was this handsome fella just screaming to be included as a photo blog post. Immediately I thought of Holy Smoke. I am giving it an original Mindy twist by calling it Holy Smoke(y)!

Holy Smokey


15. High Key

Yes, I am the crazy lady who was sitting on the floor of the Sea Hagg today taking a photo of keys on a string! I wanted to do something other than the obvious for this theme. I’ve been looking for keys hanging from a high place for several weeks now. So, when I noticed these keys hanging today they were not quite as high as I would have liked them to be…. that explains why I was sprawled out all over the place. I wanted my keys to be REALLY high!

High Key


Thanks to Diana Broda for sending me a copy of the photo she took of my getting my “High Key” photo! That will teach me to be silly in a store full of other photographers! HA

Mindy IMG_0124


6. By Candle Light

I have been wanting to experiment with light painting  since I watched my first Ben Willmore workshop on Creative Live. I have been scouring the racks at Lowes, Home Depot, The Dollar Tree, Staples etc for quite awhile. I’ve collected a lot of CANDLE power and finally started to play around with many of his technics. I have little lights that you can have attached to your keychain that are only a few candles bright all the way up to one I am hoping can light a car with a few swipes out doors.  I have a long chain with a jump rope handle on the end that I’ve made small orbs with indoors. I’m still waiting on just the right no mosquito night to try it out doors!

Below is my best indoor experiment to date. When I showed the picture to my husband I told him with a lot of excitement that I sat up this shot and then photographed it in a pitch black room. I told him the only light was a flash light I used to “paint” the photograph. After seeing the look on his face I reminded myself that I really need to stop telling him these things. The only painting he wants to hear about is when I tell him I’ve repainted the bathroom! HA

Light Painting


Getting ready for next years 52 week photo challenge!

The last photo post for this year will be the end of July! We will begin again the first week of August. The themes felt a bit tougher this year we’ve tried to make next years list a little easier. Some of you may not want to continue for another year and that is ok. This is a big commitment! Personally I love that I get the themes stuck in my head and am always looking at the world trying to frame up a photo!

If you are currently blogging this is time to count up how many themes you have left! This week you should have 44 for the current year. You don’t need to panic if you are behind, there is still plenty of time. How many photos have you taken thinking you just might find one better? Well it’s time to be happy with that one, a better one isn’t coming along! Also, don’t forget we have 6 more themes listed than you actually need to use. If you forgot about that you can already breathe a little easier!

If any of you are following our photos and would like to get involved beginning the first week of August just leave me a message. Those of you who are currently posting along and would like to continue please let Mary Nell or I know so we can keep you in the loop. We usually send out the themes the second week of July. That gives everyone a little time to add a tab with the new themes to your blog page and to think about the new themes before we begin.

Some of you who are currently posting might have other photographer friends who might like to get involved. This is the time to let them know what we do!

Get snapping! 🙂


18. I Had A Dream

We have all been woken in the night by dreams of loosing someone close to us. For me, usually with tears streaming down my face. I’m always so relieved to realize it was only a dream.

I took this photo Memorial Day Weekend, while visiting a family member’s grave, at the National Cemetery in Sarasota. I’m sure everyone who saw them could relate to how they were feeling as they sat in silence. As aware of them as we were, they were totally unaware of anyone around them. I’ve titled this photo, “Colorless World.” While feeling the loss of their loved one their lives must have felt very colorless. The world around them was full of color, they just couldn’t see it through their grief.

Colorless World