52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


9. Complementary Colors

Tiny and two of her friends spent the afternoon sorting and painting sea shells in complimentary colors for a craft project. Sometimes she gets inspiration from Pinterest for her crafts. And sometimes she even finds inspiration there for her photo shoots!

complimentary colors


27. Memories

During this time of year I always think back to my memories of my kids starting a new school year. I began the tradition of them holding a sign with the date and what grade they would be starting when they were very young. The photo HAD to be taken on the very first day. Over the years their expressions changed a lot! During the early elementary years they held their signs with pride and gave me giant smiles. When they entered middle school their smiles were forced and their eyes were rolling. In high school sometimes they went along just to shut me up or I would have to chase them as they tried to leave the house without doing it all together. It was a game that I didn’t mind playing because I loved the photos so much.

When school ended and they left home I was sometimes surprised by them sending me photos of themselves holding a sign they made on their own to mark an important first; a first day of college or a first day on the job.

Now they are taking their own photos of their kids firsts’.  I hope while they are taking photos they will also be remembering when they were the one holding the sign. And at least once I hope they have to chase one of them down the driveway waving a sign in one hand and a camera in the other!

I decided that Tiny  taking a photo of  her little friend wearing a backpack would be a good way to bring this memory to life. But because it’s such a happy memory for me I decided to take the photo myself!
First Day Of School


16. Frame Within A Frame

This week Tiny and her little dog Lola attended a show at a gallery showcasing the work of a local pet photographer. She was pleasantly surprised to see that a large framed portrait of her and Lola had been included.



51. Upside Down

The air is full of laughter in my office this morning. As I sit and edit photos Tiny and one of her friends have been enjoying a game of Twister on one corner of my desk. They are certainly finding themselves upside down over and over again! I couldn’t help but pause from my work and snap a quick photo of them having fun.



35. On The River

Rain in Florida is not unusual. What does feel unusual for me is rain lasting for days upon days. The rains we have been getting in the last couple weeks feel more like the rainy seasons we used to experience when we lived in Panama. The morning news has been full of flood advisories and warnings not to drive through flooded streets.
I decided to take another tiny Playmobil man out to the street/river in front of my house for a little creative photo shoot. The gutter must seem like a river when you are 2 1/2 inches tall!
All my clothes are now in the dryer….