52 Weeks Of Photo Challenges

A theme based photo blog


20. I Wish I Could/I’m Sorry I Did

While visiting Sedona, my friends and I sat our alarm clocks for very early each morning. We wanted to be out and about before the sun rose. On the advice of another photographer part of our adventures included a pull over half way up the airport road. The first morning we only climbed half way to the top. But on the second day we climbed all the way to the top to enjoy the sunrise. My friend Julie snapped the first photo of me setting up a shot. I have to include it to set up the second shot. On the decent from the summit I found a little tree growing sideways out of the rocks. So, with a small tilt of the camera we created the perfect shot for my “I Wish I Could/I’m Sorry I Did,” theme….

I Wish I Could


I'm Sorry I Did


33. Over The Hill

Today while driving to pick up my friend Patricia for a lunch date I couldn’t help but notice this little lawn display. In the past I have seen lawns covered in pink flamingos to celebrate a birthday but a lawn covered in cows is a new one for me.

I used to think any birthday after 39 ending in a zero was considered an “Over The Hill” birthday. However my next birthday is one of those ending in a zero. That would explain why I no longer think if those birthdays as Over The Hill! I have a lot of climb left in me before I start down the other side!

over the hill


tip the cows come home


17. Holy Smoke

Driving into Sedona I stopped by one of the visitors centers to pick up a few maps to help me get the lay of the land. Right next to the front door was this handsome fella just screaming to be included as a photo blog post. Immediately I thought of Holy Smoke. I am giving it an original Mindy twist by calling it Holy Smoke(y)!

Holy Smokey


24. It’s a Mail/Male Thing

I wasn’t sure what I was going to use for this theme but then like manna from heaven the door bell rang this morning and there he stood, the mailman! The delivery that was being made was our twice a year delivery of Panama coffee.

My husband and I are admitted coffee snobs. We spent a few years both vacationing and living in Panama. Friends from Boquete own a small coffee farm there. When we get down to just a few bags a new order is just a Facebook message away. Trece and Paul roast it at that time just the way we like it, very light.  The lighter the roast the better the flavor and the higher the caffein content! If someone tells you they don’t like coffee because it tastes bitter  it’s because they are drinking dark roast, burnt coffee beans. Thanks again Trece… I will be enjoying my giant cup of Joe every morning for another several months! I’ll be in touch when the supply starts to run low… 😉

Mail Thing


Panama Joe


15. High Key

Yes, I am the crazy lady who was sitting on the floor of the Sea Hagg today taking a photo of keys on a string! I wanted to do something other than the obvious for this theme. I’ve been looking for keys hanging from a high place for several weeks now. So, when I noticed these keys hanging today they were not quite as high as I would have liked them to be…. that explains why I was sprawled out all over the place. I wanted my keys to be REALLY high!

High Key


Thanks to Diana Broda for sending me a copy of the photo she took of my getting my “High Key” photo! That will teach me to be silly in a store full of other photographers! HA

Mindy IMG_0124


6. By Candle Light

I have been wanting to experiment with light painting  since I watched my first Ben Willmore workshop on Creative Live. I have been scouring the racks at Lowes, Home Depot, The Dollar Tree, Staples etc for quite awhile. I’ve collected a lot of CANDLE power and finally started to play around with many of his technics. I have little lights that you can have attached to your keychain that are only a few candles bright all the way up to one I am hoping can light a car with a few swipes out doors.  I have a long chain with a jump rope handle on the end that I’ve made small orbs with indoors. I’m still waiting on just the right no mosquito night to try it out doors!

Below is my best indoor experiment to date. When I showed the picture to my husband I told him with a lot of excitement that I sat up this shot and then photographed it in a pitch black room. I told him the only light was a flash light I used to “paint” the photograph. After seeing the look on his face I reminded myself that I really need to stop telling him these things. The only painting he wants to hear about is when I tell him I’ve repainted the bathroom! HA

Light Painting


Getting ready for next years 52 week photo challenge!

The last photo post for this year will be the end of July! We will begin again the first week of August. The themes felt a bit tougher this year we’ve tried to make next years list a little easier. Some of you may not want to continue for another year and that is ok. This is a big commitment! Personally I love that I get the themes stuck in my head and am always looking at the world trying to frame up a photo!

If you are currently blogging this is time to count up how many themes you have left! This week you should have 44 for the current year. You don’t need to panic if you are behind, there is still plenty of time. How many photos have you taken thinking you just might find one better? Well it’s time to be happy with that one, a better one isn’t coming along! Also, don’t forget we have 6 more themes listed than you actually need to use. If you forgot about that you can already breathe a little easier!

If any of you are following our photos and would like to get involved beginning the first week of August just leave me a message. Those of you who are currently posting along and would like to continue please let Mary Nell or I know so we can keep you in the loop. We usually send out the themes the second week of July. That gives everyone a little time to add a tab with the new themes to your blog page and to think about the new themes before we begin.

Some of you who are currently posting might have other photographer friends who might like to get involved. This is the time to let them know what we do!

Get snapping! 🙂